Thursday, April 04, 2013

Roger Ebert 1942-2013

Roger Ebert died today. He was 70. There was an article on Tuesday about him cutting back his film reviewing because the cancer that took his jaw in 2006 had returned. It didn't sound good, but I was surprised to learn of his death today.

Roger and Gene Siskel reviewed movies on TV, from the mid 70s until Gene's death in 1999. After a season or two of rotating co-critics, Roger continued the show with Richard Roeper until 2006. It was not the same, but still worthwhile.

"Siskel and Ebert," as I always called the show (even after Gene's death), had a great impact on me. From the time I was a child until I was in my 30s, it was something I looked forward to watching. It was great to see people talking about movies and filmmakers and getting excited about it, even arguing. The show is sorely missed now. There is no real film criticism show on television, just fast-food movie-tie-ins, gloss, and snark.

On Tuesday, Roger updated his blog (, explaining that he won't be reviewing quite as much while fighting the cancer. The post was called "A Leave of Presence." Here are the first and last paragraphs of it:

"Thank you. Forty-six years ago on April 3, 1967, I became the film critic for the Chicago Sun-Times. Some of you have read my reviews and columns and even written to me since that time. Others were introduced to my film criticism through the television show, my books, the website, the film festival, or the Ebert Club and newsletter. However you came to know me, I'm glad you did and thank you for being the best readers any film critic could ask for."

"So on this day of reflection I say again, thank you for going on this journey with me. I'll see you at the movies."

Roger Ebert wrote for the Chicago Sun-Times since the 1960s, and his death is the lead today on their website. Below is their obituary.

Thank you, Roger.


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3:23 AM  

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